![]() The Disney classic movie, filmed in Technicolor, The Song of the South was released on November 12, 1946. It was initially well-received and won an Academy Award for its original song "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.” It’s racial elements and controversial themes related to African American characters, began to draw criticism over time. It took 40 years, but by then liberal politics was in full blossom and Disney pulled Song of the South from distribution in the United States on July 17, 1986. The primary reason given was due to various concerns regarding the racial stereotyping and insensitivity presented in the film. It’s memory stuck with me till I had kids of my own. One day I thought what a great movie for them. That’s when I realized it was not to be till now. Despite being considered one of Disney's classic films, Song of the South has not been made available for home release or in theaters in the United States. Still, I thought I’d give a look on the internet. Maybe I’d get lucky in this era of AI, along with Disney’s progressive push into politics. So, low and behold, Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, there it was!