At a recent lecture, it was asked, "Why do today's students get startled and dumbstruck looks if mentioning God in class?" And usually, it's followed up by the teacher or professor asking, "You don't believe in God, do you?"
The last two decades of science have brought us closer to understanding our creator God of the Bible. From that perspective, it can be used as an aid in teaching the Bible to today's techno-modern society.
With science's teachings in its many disciplines, from anthropology to astronomy, nothing steers young folks away from God more than saying the universe was created in six days about 6,000 years ago. Bringing thinking youth back to the church with an evolutionary approach is a difficult task. However, today, some very bright contemporary scientists can provide support for logical thinking about our creator God of the Bible.
We know the earliest evidence of written mathematics dates back to the ancient Sumerians, about 3,000 BC, who built the earliest civilization in Mesopotamia. Around the same time, ancient Egyptians used geometric equations to approximate the area of circles and other formulas.
According to the Jewish Torah, it is believed that Adam and Eve were created approximately 5,770 +/- years ago. Abraham's migration from Mesopotamia, which marks the real start of Biblical history and the Bible's Old Testament as a whole, is clearly indicated in Gen. 12, confirmed in so many words in Josh. 24:2, and borne out by subsequent Biblical passages.
I understand the need to start at the beginning, but I'd prefer to begin a about 500 years ago, around the time of Nicolaus Copernicus and when Columbus discovered America. It was about that time that modern science began, with new mathematics (calculus) and physics. Then came archaeology, anthropology, biology, medicine, electricity, and DNA. With the help of some very bright scientists, one can arrive at the existence of God/Christ with enthusiasm.
We'll start with our God's creation, beginning with the Big Bang, and put evolution on the back burner for now. Let's start with the foundations of last century's scientists like Einstein, Bohr, Bell, Heisenberg, Watson, and Crick. They all point to how the universe couldn’t have formed without some very clever designer. This is the conclusion that so many of today's astronomers and cosmologists have arrived. They are outlined in the articles and videos below.
Still, there are those who won't admit this conclusion of fine-tuning by a designer/creator. So now, as "their escape clause," they hypothesize that our universe is just one of many, part of an infinite multiverse of universes. Give me a break, that's just a cop-out, and by the way, unprovable.
From the very large - universal scale, let's jump down to the smallest (subatomic) particles - the dozen and a half or so that lie within the electron, proton, and neutron, the domain of quarks, leptons, neutrinos, muons, bosons, photons, etc. Recent revelations here are so mind-blowing in relation to one number - 1 over 137 - that even the most hardened philosophical and scientific atheists have concluded that things could not happen at random. A designer was necessary.
"It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics," a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the "hand of God" wrote that number, and "we don't know how He pushed his pencil." - Nobel Laureate in Quantum Physics, Richard P. Feynman.
Lastly, switching to biology at its microscopic level, you find the DNA coding for all life. Even more than the other scientific disciplines, DNA is the most functionally amazing of all sciences. In other words, a designer is presupposed. In fact, the odds for DNA evolving are staggering - higher than the number of atoms in the universe! The conclusion is that DNA had to be conceived and designed by an intelligence.
Now that I have concluded that God is out there, what about me? In my exploration, it is DNA coding that defines all living things. The overwhelming conclusion of the enormity and complexity of DNA's coding is that it could not evolve from our or any other primordial world. At best, a missing gene in the DNA double helix might alter a species slightly, but it cannot evolve on its own, and therefore, there is no evolution in the purest sense.
Not only is the realization that this code defines all living things, but it is the God-given life essence as stated by Luke 21: "Once having been asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, 'The kingdom of God does not come from your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is' or 'There it is' because the Kingdom of God is within you.'" And as for our brain, consider this: The brain itself does not produce consciousness. That is, as Dr. Eben Alexander puts it, instead, a kind of reducing valve or interface connecting nonphysical consciousness, our soul, to our human body in the physical world.
It is not possible for me to go into any detail about quantum mechanics/physics and the fundamentals of genetics - genes and DNA here. However, I have assembled numerous videos and articles from renowned scientists of many persuasions that can help one better understand how science is pointing to an all-intelligent God and even learn to understand the relationship of one's soul and immortal afterlife.
If you arrive at the same conclusion, that God exists "out there" as a person and our creator and part of the natural order of things, you might then ask where we are headed from here. The good news is, it has already been written in a book called the Bible. Explained is God's/Jesus' interplay with mankind, the bulk of which makes complete sense and of which John 1:3 sums it up: "All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made."
So we will conclude: Today, science is bringing us inescapably closer to our creator God, which can, from that perspective, be used as a motivating force in teaching the Bible to today's ever-more agnostic and secular society.
As the author says, "Of the many scientific evidences, he is 'going for the jugular' with this explanation of proof of God." Why, you may ask. Just watch and see. We think you'll agree. There simply isn't stronger evidence than in this video on DNA shown here".
John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University,
is an internationally renowned speaker on science, philosophy and religion. In this 15 min video John appears on the Eric Metaxas Show and chats on the declining numbers of atheist scientists.
THE FLAGELLA is one of natures with wonders. Flagellar motor research pioneer Robert Macnab wondered at this complexity and wrote: "One can only marvel at the intricacy, in a simple bacterium, of the total motor and sensory system." It is a nanomachine a millionth the size of a grain of sand that can rotate five times faster than a Formula One engine and can change direction faster than a mosquito beats it wings.
WATER - our most familiar liquid, is not only necessary for life but the driving force of all nature. Its physical properties such as freezing point, viscosity, heat absorption are all necessary for life. And water is the only liquid that expands when freezing. And on the grand scale, water preserves the physical & chemical stability of our planet.
Looking at Quantum Mechanics from the Bible's perspective. Yes, it is outlined in scripture. The key words being, Omnipresent (in the Bible) and Entanglement (in Science). It's all explained in this video.
Medical Science can now illuminate how death is not an absolute, but a 'process', and what transpires when patients experience death. Dr. Sam Parnia leads the team at Critical Care & Resuscitation Research Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine at NYU. "I call it an "experience of death" because that's what it is and where people report a unique cognitive experience.
Scientists often side step Intelligent Design, with the theory that we live in an unprovable multiverse, where all things are possible. Stephen C. Meyer PhD. has in recent times taken a lead position as a strong advocate of Intelligent Design and that our universe was created by an intelligence, namely the God of the Judeo-Christian bible. CLICK IMAGE for his video “God and the Origin of the Universe”.
Atheist Turned Christian. Sy (Seymour) Garte, PhD biochemistry - tenured professor at NYU, Rutgers, and the Univ. of Pittsburgh, director at the Center for Scientific Review of the National Institutes of Health. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers and four books.
Life as we know it would not exist without this highly unusual number called the "Fine Structure Constant" or 1/137. It's the number all theoretical physicists wory about says Richard Feynman. If it had any other value, life as we know it would be impossible. And yet scientists have no idea where it came from.
Science often gets to a place where it is completely baffled or how Quantum Entanglement functions as it does. The reason is because it methodologically excludes God (which has been the case since Darwin), and so often doesn’t recognize its own inherent philosophical limitations it rules out what is as plausible an explanation as anything else: GOD.
“We live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.” - Carl Sagan. I concur and add; We are destined to remain confined to our solar system in isolation from other sentient life, AND THAT THIS IS INTENTIONAL.
‘Michael Strauss a physics professor at the Univ. of Okla. who spends his time studying smashed sub-atomic particles at CERN in Switzerland has another hobby – smashing the notion that all scientists believe the universe was created by some sort of cosmic accident. (Article & Video)
‘The origin of species is exactly what Darwin cannot explain’. Famed Yale computer science professor, David Gelernter quits believing Darwin’s theories while proving otherwise. Darwinism, the primary tool of the atheists is shot down by all things, math.
OUR UNIVERSE HAS "PURPOSE". A new approach to God with the key word being "Causality" with its two irreconcilable forms. Although "God" isn't ment-ioned, He is easily concluded. (A Short Deep and Fascinating Article)
What is amazing is that within every cell in your body, there is code three billion letters long! And, 99.9% of your DNA is similar to everyone's genetic makeup! How can one explain this sophisticated messaging, coding, residing in our cells? You cant, unless you include God. A Compelling article.
DNA - God's amazing programming; evidence for his existence. Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (Video 4:24)
Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven For a century Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has been as unquestioned as Newton’s theory of gravity. But science never stops asking questions now there questions about the origins of life that Darwinism can’t answer? Cambrian Explosion (Video 5:52)
Warner Wallace uses the Anthropic Principal’s “fine tuning” to point to a Creator God. Scientists [then] come up with “we must be one of many universes” in a vast multiverse. They just have a hell of a time acknowledging a creator. (Video 8:43 Min)
Bases its argument that the multitude of parameters needed for life on our planet that were determined at the big bang could not just be a coincidence.
Eric Metaxas for Prager Univ. (Video 5:43 Min)
How Quantum Physics Proves God's Existence. Science and religion have been at divisive odds during Earth's entire existence, until recently, that is. Today the more that is learned about quantum physics, the more we discover itis Biblical basis and proof of God's design. Great Article
Here are two short Videos explaining Quantum Entanglement.
No reference to God is given. But if, as concluded the speed of light is rendered as not absolute, and instant communications can exist galactically, what could this mean?
A well presented video synopsis of the Ten Most Popular Arguments for the Existence of God. From physics to consciousness.
(Video 11 min)
Theoretical Physicist, Michio Kaku takes us on a Journey from Newton to
String Theory and the Mind of God. String Theory he says, The Universe Is a Symphony of Vibrating Strings in 11 dimensions and where God resides. (Video 5:33 Min)
What's a Greater Leap of Faith: God or the Multiverse?
by Brian Keating, Professor of Physics at the University of California, for Prager Univ. for Prager Univ. (Video 4:25 Min)
✡ Gerald Schroeder Physicist MIT, combines decades of research to change the debate between religion and science.
(Video 5:27 Min)
The answer is, or is not in the question - Short and to the point. (Prof. Reinhold Schlieper takes on Dr. Hovind at Embry-Riddle.) (Video 3:25 Min)
Harry Cliff works at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
questions if we have reached the end of physics?
(Video 14 min).
You may remember Dr. Francis Collins from his days with Dr. Fauci regarding the Coronavirus. But before that, Dr. Collins headed up the National Human Genome Project. He has studied everything from Medicine and DNA to Quantum Physics and like all good scientists was an atheist. The latter two disciplines opened his eyes to God and he became a Christian at age 28. This is his story, from his book, "The Language of God". (Video)
This mini Docu explores recent discoveries in physics, astronomy and the biology and DNA and how they relate to the existence of God.
A layman's primer (Video 25:00 Min)
A fanciful tale of all the things that have to be “just right” for our earth to exist let alone be habitable for we human kind, was the creation of the earth itself. This theory only came to light in year 2000. It pretty much explains how God did it - create the four fundamental ingredients on earth needed for our existence. Here's how.